GandALF 2019

The Tenth International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification

2 - 3 September 2019, Bordeaux, France


Crédit Photo : Thomas Sanson - Mairie de Bordeaux

Program > Social Events

The social event will take place on Monday 2 September evening in the restaurant "Le cafe du port" in the city center of Bordeaux at 19:30.


To get there by city tram,

1. First, take the tram B towards Berges de la Garonne and get off at Hôtel de ville. Tram B can be taken at several tram stations close to LaBRI (Bethanie, Peixotto and Forum).

2. Then, at Hôtel de ville, take the tram A towards Floirac Gravemont or La Gardette, Bassens, Carbon Blanc and get off at Stalingrad.

The restaurant is located on the riverfront 300m away from the Stalingrad tram station.



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