2 - 3 September 2019, Bordeaux, France
Crédit Photo : Thomas Sanson - Mairie de Bordeaux
Program > Accepted PapersA Stay-in-a-Set Game without a Stationary Equilibrium
Simple Fixpoint Iteration To Solve Parity Games
Characterizing Strongly First Order Dependencies: The Non-Jumping Relativizable Case
Robust, Expressive, and Quantitative Linear Temporal Logics: Pick any Two for Free
Query Learning Algorithm for Residual Symbolic Finite Automata
State complexity of the multiples of the Thue-Morse set
A Parity Game Tale of Two Counters
On the order type of scattered context-free orderings
Reachability games with relaxed energy constraints
Resource-Aware Automata and Games for Optimal Synthesis
Algebraic and combinatorial tools for state complexity : application to the star-xor problem
Specification and Reactive Synthesis of Run-time Enforcement Shields