GandALF 2019

The Tenth International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification

2 - 3 September 2019, Bordeaux, France


Crédit Photo : Thomas Sanson - Mairie de Bordeaux

Program > Schedule

Talks are given in Amphi 050 - Bat A30 - LaBRI
Coffee breaks and lunches in room 076 - Bat A30 - LaBRI
Monday :
8h45-9h : Welcome
9h-10h : Invited talk
Mariëlle Stoelinga (U Twente & Radboud University, Netherlands)
Tester versus Bug: Model-Based Testing via Game Theory
10h-10h30 : Coffee break
10h30-12h30 :  GAMES
  1. Loic Helouet, Nicolas Markey and Ritam Raha. Reachability games with relaxed energy constraints
  1. Corina Cirstea. Resource-Aware Automata and Games for Optimal Synthesis
  1. Hugo Gimbert  Strategic Manipulability of Matching Markets
  1. Nicolas Markey A quantitative semantics for Strategy Logic
12h30-14h : Lunch
14h-15h : Invited talk
James Worrell (U Oxford, UK)
Orbit Problems for Linear Systems
  1. Paritosh Pandya and Amol Wakankar. Specification and Reactive Synthesis of Run-time Enforcement Shields
  1. Kaizaburo Chubachi, Diptarama Hendrian, Ryo Yoshinaka and Ayumi Shinohara. Query Learning Algorithm for Residual Symbolic Finite Automata
16h-16h30 : Coffee break
  1. Emilie Charlier, Célia Cisternino and Adeline Massuir. State complexity of the multiples of the Thue-Morse set
  1. Edwin Hamel-de le Court, Pascal Caron and Jean-Gabriel Luque. Algebraic and combinatorial tools for state complexity : application to the star-xor problem
  1. Kitti Gelle and Szabolcs Ivan. On the order type of scattered context-free orderings
Tuesday :
9h-10h : Invited talk
Nathanaël Fijalkow (CNRS, France)
Quasi polynomial time Algorithms for Parity Games
10h-10h30 : Coffee break
10h30-12h30 :  GAMES
  1. Tom van Dijk and Bob Rubbens. Simple Fixpoint Iteration To Solve Parity Games
  1. Tom van Dijk. A Parity Game Tale of Two Counters
  1. Mikhail Raskin and Kristoffer Arnsfelt Hansen. A Stay-in-a-Set Game without a Stationary Equilibrium 
  1. Sylvain Schmitz Multi-Energy Games
12h30-14h : Lunch
14h-15h : Invited talk
Emmanuel Filiot (ULB, Belgium)
On Synthesis and Uniformisation Problems
15h-15h30 : Coffee break
15h30-16h30:  LOGIC
  1. Pietro Galliani. Characterizing Strongly First Order Dependencies: The Non-Jumping Relativizable Case
  1. Daniel Neider, Alexander Weinert and Martin Zimmermann. Robust, Expressive, and Quantitative Linear Temporal Logics: Pick any Two for Free
Online user: 16